Non Adhesive Accordion Books

 Registration is closed for this event

July 29th, 2014 6:30 PM

  • Workshop Type: Binding
  • Workshop Status: Closed
  • Workshop Start: July 29th, 2014 6:30 PM
  • Workshop End: July 29th, 2014 9:30 PM
  • Sessions: 1

Developed by Julie Chen, the book structure known as “Non Adhesive Accordion” is full of possibility. Whether creating a single artists’ book or building an edition to sell, this method of book construction is versatile and adaptable to a wide range of projects – all without the use of PVA! In this three hour class, students will create the basic accordion book structure as well as a lightweight slipcover (out of cardstock) to house their book. Additional discussions will center on planning fundamentals for book editions, as well as slipcover/book cover design.

As a “near-native” of San Francisco, Jennie Hinchcliff has been teaching classes in bookbinding and related arts since 2001. Her bookworks can be seen in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art's Special Collection, the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design, and the Franklin Furnace Archive (among others); she has shown work at the San Francisco Center for the Book, Pyramid Atlantic, the New York Art Book Fair and the Tokyo Art Book Fair. Jennie’s work often incorporates one-of-a-kind elements such as found typography or handwritten correspondence, harkening back to the spirit of Dada artists and writers. She is represented by Central Booking NYC in New York.


Jennie's personal work can be seen in the recent book “500 Handmade Books: Volume 2” (Lark Books, 2013). She is a co-author of "Good Mail Day: A Primer for Eye-Popping Post", which explores correspondence art and postal modernism in its' many styles and formats. Her blog "Every Day Should Be A Red Letter Day" promotes the idea that letter writing can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere by anybody. She was the chief organizer behind 2014’s Ex Postal Facto event in San Francisco.



twitter: @redletterzine

instagram: redletterdayzine