Book / Art / Artifact: Work from the CA Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers
EXHIBITION DATES: Saturday, June 11 - Sunday, August 28, 2022
The exhibition Book/Art/Artifact showcases work from the California Chapter of the national organization the Guild of Book Workers. Book/Art/Artifact is the third major members’ exhibition; previous exhibitions have been presented at the Geisel Special Collections Library at the University of California San Diego (2016) and the Long Beach Museum of Art (2019). As with previous exhibitions, Book/Art/Artifact highlights a range of member expertise and imagination. Exhibited mediums include bookbinding, letterpress, artists’ books, and calligraphy. The exhibition introduces viewers to the idea that books are not only a collection of bound pages but also an expression of human creativity.
EXHIBITING ARTISTS: Cathy Adelman :: Yukimi Annand :: Marlyn Bonaventure :: Robin Brandes :: Servane Briand :: Carolee Campbell / Ninja Press :: Rebecca Chamlee / Pie in the Sky Press :: Coleen Curry :: Insiya Dhatt :: Debra Disman :: Anna Embree :: Jean Gillingwators :: Karen Hanmer :: Paula Jull :: Marie Kelzer / Marie Kelzer Designs :: Mark Kirchner :: Brian Lieske :: Elaine Nishizu :: Patricia Owen :: Todd Pattison :: Jennifer Pellacchia :: Beth Redmond :: Sue Ann Robinson :: Pamela Wood