Studio and Equipment Rental

Have a project or freelance job in mind but need to access letterpress equipment? Want to complete a bookbinding project but need a space or special tools? Located in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood, SFCB’s letterpress studio and bindery have the space and equipment needed to complete a wide variety of book arts projects.

Students can be certified to work in the print studio or bindery by completing a Core certification workshop series. They may also be certified to rent facilities by completing an examination with the Studio Director. To be certified to use the guillotine or electric cutter, you must schedule a training time with SFCB staff. Requests for a certification examination or qualification for a special piece of equipment can be made to

Students who meet the criteria for very low income in their county of residence may apply for a fee waiver for either the bindery or print studio. A limited number of waivers are available; waivers are valid for one term/four months.

Equipment in the Print Studio

Six Vandercook proof presses

Two C&P jobbing platen presses 10” x 15”

Two C&P jobbing platen presses 8” x 12”

Four 6” x10” tabletop platen presses

30” Kuttrimmer

26” tabletop Kuttrimmer

30" Challenge power guillotine paper cutter

An A-3 photopolymer platemaker

Many cases of wood and metal type

Equipment in the Bindery

Three board shears

30” manual Challenge guillotine

26” manual C&P guillotine

Vagelli standing percussion press

Four job backers

Two French laying presses

Many nipping presses (various sizes)

Finishing presses, sewing frames, and all the standard hand tools needed for basic binding (knives, awls, rulers, dividers, etc.)

How it Works

  • Daytime print studio and equipment rentals are available in 6 hour blocks, Wednesday–Friday from 10 am–4 pm. There are some exceptions due to workshops or special events. There will be no print studio rental most Fridays of Spring 2025 due to a workshop conflict. Occasional evening and weekend studio and equipment rental blocks are available. Evening rental blocks are 4 hours, from 5–9 pm. Weekend rental blocks are 6 hours, from 10 am–4 pm. Rental blocks may not be shared between multiple people. 

    Spring 2025 evening/weekend dates: January 26, February 8 & 20, March 23, April 3 & 24.

    Paid studio rental is not required to set type or prepare for a project. Free typesetting table space can be reserved below. A prepaid reservation is required for any amount of press time, and is inclusive of setup and break down time.

    All print studio rental blocks are $50. Weekday daytime rentals only (Wed–Fri, 10am–4 pm) are eligible for a $10 discount (reducing the rental fee to $40) using the coupon code DAYTIME. Reservations for evening and weekend rentals using this code will not be accepted.

  • Daytime Bindery studio rental is available in 3 hour blocks, Wednesday–Friday from 10 am–4 pm. There are some exceptions due to workshops or special events. Occasional evening and weekend studio and equipment rental blocks are available. Evening rental blocks are 4 hours, from 5–9 pm. Weekend rental blocks are 6 hours, from 10 am–4 pm.

    Spring 2025 evening/weekend dates: January 26, February 20, April 24. Please contact Hand Bookbinders of CA for their special weeknight dates.

    All bindery studio rental blocks are $20 for three hours. You may combine multiple blocks, pending availability. Please use the tool below to select the number of hours you intend to rent.

    Hand Bookbinders of California members may rent the bindery studio for free, pending availability. Contact for more information.

  • The print studio is equipped with a 30" Challenge power guillotine paper cutter. Studio renters who are eligible to use this machine may use it during their paid rental block at no additional charge, provided there are no other renters booked for that time. The guillotine paper cutter may be reserved separately by the hour for $20 per hour. 

Studio Rental Policies

  • We require 24 hours advance cancellation notice.

  • You must book in advance using the calendar above. If you have not received a confirmation email, you do not have a studio block reserved.

  • When you arrive for your studio rental, you must check in with the front desk and check out when you leave.

  • SFCB's studios are a community space where respect and accountability are of the utmost importance. You are responsible for leaving the space cleaner than you found it and reporting any equipment issues in writing. You can email, or speak directly to a member of staff.

  • For safety and maintenance reasons, it is very important that you only use equipment you have been thoroughly trained to use. In addition, you must sign a waiver before you begin your rental. Guests and visitors are not allowed.

  • The studio can be a busy place, so please assume that your time slot only lasts for the exact rental period: 10 am–4pm or 5pm–9 pm. These time slots include set-up and clean up.

Have other questions about renting studios or equipment?

Please email with any questions and we will be happy to answer them. We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!