Community Conduct Guidelines

San Francisco Center for the Book seeks to foster an inclusive environment. To that end, we ask that all SFCB visitors, attendees of its events, speakers, studio renters, members of its board of directors, instructors, and staff to:

  • Act with kindness, fairness, honesty, integrity, and openness;

  • Respect the differing viewpoints of others and offer critiques or opinions with respect;

  • Treat all with equality and dignity, as they would wish to be treated;

  • Be inclusive - be inviting and welcoming to others;

  • Encourage and support other members of our community.

We expect all to refrain from the following Unacceptable Behaviors toward all members of our community, but particularly toward Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and Members of LGBTQ Community.

  • Hate speech: speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age or sexual orientation/gender identity.

  • Discrimination: unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on bigotry or implicit biases against a particular group.

  • Harassment: including (but not limited to) deliberate intimidation, stalking, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

  • Verbal abuse: slandering, ridiculing, bullying, gossiping, or maligning someone against others; making false statements about another; persistent name calling which is hurtful, insulting, or embarrassing; yelling, screaming, or cursing; chronic teasing, belittlement, or frequent criticism that undermines the victim.

  • Nonverbal and visual abuse: threatening gestures, actions, or glances; shunning, excluding, or disregarding a person; offensive depictions of another through a visual medium such as a drawing or doctored photograph; mimicking another in an offensive manner; objects or clothing that contain offensive language or other depictions.

  • Physical abuse: pushing, shoving, punching, kicking, poking, tripping, or purposely impeding another’s path; battering or threatening physical harm; damaging another’s work area or property.

  • Cyber abuse: tormenting, threatening, cyber-bullying, harassing, embarrassing, or otherwise targeting another using social media, email, instant messaging, text messaging, or any other type of digital technology.

How to Report Unacceptable Behaviors
If you experience or notice an unacceptable behavior by a member of the SFCB community (including visitors, attendees of events, speakers, studio renters, members of its board of directors, instructors, and staff), or have any other concerns related to inclusion, please contact SFCB's Executive Director, David Owens-Hill, at sends e-mail) or (415) 906-6417.

Response to Unacceptable Behaviors
We expect SFCB visitors, attendees of events, speakers, studio renters, members of its board of directors, instructors, and staff who are asked to stop any unacceptable behavior to comply immediately. If SFCB visitors, attendees of events, speakers, studio renters, members of its board of directors, instructors, and staff engage in harassing behavior, SFCB may take any action we deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from all SFCB spaces (without refunds of any fees in the case of special events and classes). SFCB will respond to all reports. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent.