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Cylinder Core 3: Posterized

  • San Francisco Center for the Book 375 Rhode Island Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)

Cylinder Core Certificate Program

The hand-fed cylinder proof press, also known as the Vandercook press, has a special place in both print history and in teaching book arts. Immediate and accessible, yet nuanced and specific, it is the press that introduced many of us to letterpress.

The four class Cylinder Core Certificate Program allows students to move quickly through press basics while also addressing relief printing in general. Students who finish the four Core classes are qualified to rent press time as well as move on to more advanced classes and techniques. Core classes must be taken in order, 1 through 4.

Click here to learn more about the Cylinder Core Certificate Program and how to receive a discount.

Cylinder Core 3 :: Posterized

Develop your letterpress design skills and aesthetic while increasing your letterpress versatility: learn to set up the press, refine your registration skills, and run an edition. Learn more about packing, roller height, and make-ready. Students will have access to the Center's collection of wood type and cuts (images) for this project. Come ready to run an edition of your own 12 x 15" poster!

Competencies Gained:

  • Builds on skills from Cylinder Core 1 and 2


  • Press mechanics and proper use of the press

  • Press/job setup

  • Proper cleanup


  • Packing / make-ready

  • Adjusting paper guides

  • Adjusting roller height

  • Mixing ink

  • Increased familiarity with the cylinder (Vandercook) proof press

Materials to Bring

All tools and materials will be provided. Students can bring ideas for a poster-worthy short phrase, probably just a few words to set in large type.

Please note: Class projects are for learning particular skills and supporting class dynamics. Project ideas should be flexible, open to what class time and communal studio use will permit.

About the Instructor

Alan Hillesheim (he/him) has been wrenching around printing presses for 35 years. Printing presses need to be moved, oiled, inked, cleaned, and maintained, in short they need attention like a six year old. Maintenance is a dirty business, but a necessary one for beautifully printed anything. Alan has a passion for the mechanics of the print studio and enjoys encouraging others to roll up their sleeves and grab a wrench. His 35 years in the letterpress business and “all-ten-fingers” count speak for themselves. Join him and wear old clothes. Oh, and once the press is in fine order, Alan has a few secrets to divulge about perfect inking and stellar printing.

Past Student Reviews

“I liked that we had so much freedom to create our own projects, and the fact that Alan was so supportive of all of the ideas that we had.”

“So much fun!  It was a complicated class, yet with individual help we all accomplished the objectives. I've yet to take a mediocre class at the center.”

“Very clear, always open to questions, I got plenty of focused hands-on help. It was a great experience.”


San Francisco Center for the Book
375 Rhode Island Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Plan your visit


Registration Policies

Please read over the SFCB Registration Policies before signing up for a class. Registration will close approximately three days prior to the start date of the workshop to allow the instructor time to prep materials for class. We recommend you not wait to register, as workshops that don't meet our minimum enrollment will be canceled, sometimes as much as a week in advance.

Workshop fee
(includes materials fee):

SFCB's Windgate Scholarship Fund is dedicated to providing need-based financial support to individuals interested in learning bookbinding, letterpress printing, and related book arts. Click here to apply.

Cylinder Core 1 & 2

Class session:
Saturday: July 19, 2025

If this workshop is full, please click this link to add your name to the waitlist. If a seat becomes available, we will contact you.

July 14

Paper & Fabric Marbling Weeklong Intensive

July 26

Bookbinding Core 3: Limp Paper Binding