Bookbinding Core Certificate Program
The San Francisco Center for the Book celebrates the craft and art of bookbinding. Our Bookbinding Core Certificate Program introduces students to four different binding models, leading them through the history and evolution of bookmaking. It provides students a comprehensive foundation to delve into the practice of binding and qualifies them to rent studio time in our bindery. Core classes must be taken in order, 1 through 4.
Bookbinding Core 2 :: Flat-Back Case Binding
In this second Core Bookbinding class, students will create what most of us refer to as a hardbound book. In bookbinding terms, it is known as a case binding; where a sewn textblock is glued into a separate structure known as a case. Students will learn more about the mechanics of books as they build on skills from Core 1 and expand both their vocabulary and capabilities in and around the bindery.
Competencies Gained:
Build on skills from Core 1
Mechanism and relationships of the elements of a bound book and case binding
Bookbinding materials: threads and tapes
Spine gluing and lining, endsheet/flyleaves structure and application, sewing all-along
Finishing press
Materials to Bring
All tools and materials will be provided. Students are also welcome to bring any leftover pastepapers from Core 1 that they might want to use on their book.
About the Instructor
A life-long love of working with her hands led Megan Gibes (she/her) to study bookbinding at the North Bennet Street School in Boston. Upon graduation in 2015, she went to work in Santa Barbara as the Head Bookbinder for Heirloom Bindery, followed by an apprenticeship at the Arion Press in San Francisco. Now the Lead Bookbinder, she is responsible for running day-to-day production in the Arion bindery. An active member of the Guild of Bookworkers and board member of the Hand Bookbinders of California, she also creates her own work as Long Arrow Bindery. She still loves making books every day.
Past Student Reviews
“Many students had interesting questions which the instructor knew how to answer clearly and efficiently.”
“I appreciated Megan sharing how she applies the techniques she was teaching us at Arion Press, where she works. Excellent, practical instruction.”
San Francisco Center for the Book
375 Rhode Island Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Registration Policies
Please read over the SFCB Registration Policies before signing up for a class. Registration will close approximately three days prior to the start date of the workshop to allow the instructor time to prep materials for class. We recommend you not wait to register, as workshops that don't meet our minimum enrollment will be canceled, sometimes as much as a week in advance.