Reclamation: Artists' Books on the Environment

Exhibition dates: June 2021 – September 2021

San Francisco Center for the Book :: dates: June 4 - September 26, 2021
San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch: Jewett Gallery, Lower Level :: dates: July 3 - September 5, 2021

San Francisco Center for the Book and San Francisco Public Library host Reclamation: Artists' Books on the Environment, a juried exhibition of artists' books exploring our relationship to the environment at this moment on the planet.

Environmental concerns demand increasing attention, from rising temperatures and dangerous weather events, to crises in water quality, to multiplying fires...the list goes on, echoed around the globe. Book artists create works that involve, educate, and inspire action. Book art takes many forms. Reclamation: Artists' Books on the Environment seeks to inspire and educate viewers to reflect on climate change and its impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. At the same time, the exhibition endeavors to avoid dualistic arguments common to today’s divisive political scene.

This exhibition takes place under the umbrella of The Codex Foundation's EXTRACTION: Art on the Edge of the Abyss(link is external) call to action.

EXHIBITION SPONSORS: SFCB would like to thank the following patrons and lenders for their support of SFCB’s exhibition program

Anonymous | California Arts Council |Grants For The Arts | The Kahle Austin Foundation

CURATORS: Betty Bright (Independent Curator and Historian specializing in book art) and Jeff Thomas (Executive Director at San Francisco Center for the Book)

JURORS: Betty Bright, Mark Dimunation (Chief of the Rare Books and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress), and Ruth Rogers (Curator of Special Collections at Wellesley College)

EXHIBITING ARTISTS (SFCB): Jane Baldwin :: Inge Bruggeman :: Barbara Ciurej & Lindsay Lochman :: Everything Is Collective :: Dana Fritz :: Casey Gardner :: Sabine Golde :: Nif Hodgson :: Kate Kendall & Jerry Kendall :: Andrea Krupp :: Karen Kunc :: Colleen Lawrence :: Judy Lynn :: Ann Mansolino :: Claire Marcus :: Janet Owen :: Dawn Peterson :: Amy Pezzin & Edd Carr :: Nicole Pietrantoni :: Felicia Rice :: Amy Richard :: Jacqueline Rush Lee :: Chris Ruston :: Georgina Rutherford :: Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder :: Judith Serebrin :: Jillian Sico :: Rachel Simmons :: Amanda Thackray :: Andie Thrams :: Karen Viola :: Lena Wright :: Sarita Zaleha

(view a virtual walk through of Reclamation installed in SFCB's gallery!)

EXHIBITING ARTISTS (SFPL): Ryoko Adachi :: Frances Ashforth :: Javier Barrera :: Tony Bellaver :: Lizzie Brewer :: Valerie Carrigan :: John Cobb :: Gabby Cooksey :: Anne Covell :: Florine Delasalle :: Linda Ekstrom :: Margot Fagan :: Lucy Helton :: KT Hettinga :: Erika Jaeggli :: Susan Lowdermilk :: Amanda Marchand :: Liz Menard :: Sarah Nicholls :: Radha Pandey :: Nora Pauwels :: Camden Richards, Anne Hege & Deborah Sibony :: Stephanie Russ & Isabelle Fleurelian :: Laura Russell :: Jill Sebastian :: Judith Selby Lang :: CB Sherlock :: Anneli Skaar :: Lorna Stevens :: Judith Tentor :: MJ Viano Crowe :: Annette Vogel :: M. Claire White :: Susan Woolf

(view a virtual walk through of Reclamation installed in SFPL's Jewett gallery!)


Friday, July 2nd :: 5-6 pm PDT: Artist Reception and Gallery Tour :: view the recording of this event!

Thursday, July 8th :: 4-5 pm PDT: Felicia Rice/Moving Parts Press and TJ Demos in Conversation :: view the recording of this event!


Finding Common Ground: Sowing the Seeds of Community & Collaboration


Rising Together: an Exhibition of Zines, Artists’ Books and Prints with a Social Conscience