Exhibition Run Dates :: February 2 – April 29, 2019

Curators :: Imi Maufe and Lina Nordenström

Location :: San Francisco Center for the Book, 375 Rhode Island Street, San Francisco

Opening reception :: Saturday, February 2, 2019, 6-8pm (Remarks @ 7pm)

Join SFCB and CODEX VII attendees as we kick off 2019 with POSTED/UNPOSTED++. Featuring artists’ books, letterpress, and printmaking from the Nordic collective Codex Polaris. Light hors d’oeuvres and wine will be served.

About the exhibition

POSTED/UNPOSTED was the first Nordic Letterpress Collaboration, a book art project from the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) with a special emphasis on letterpress printing. The project’s aim was to create a network and a focus for letterpress and book art practices, which are not so widely utilized in Northern Europe.

Twenty five artists, poets, printers and publishers were invited to contribute to the POSTED/UNPOSTED collaboration; the project was launched at the Bergen Art Book Fair in 2017 and has since been touring to various international galleries and book fairs. In the spring of 2019, POSTED/UNPOSTED ++ travels to the San Francisco Center for the Book. This expanded exhibition includes letterpress printed books created by a selection of the artists involved in the first iteration of the project resulting in the title POSTED/UNPOSTED ++.

The Nordic Letterpress Collaboration is a Codex Polaris project and is initiated and organized by Imi Maufe (Norway) and Lina Nordenström (Sweden). The POSTED/UNPOSTED ++ exhibition hosted by the San Francisco Center for the Book is held in conjunction with activities organized by Codex Polaris for The Codex Foundation’s 2019 book fair.

Featured Artists :: Jim Berggren and Ragnar Stromberg, Lina Nordenström, Richard Årlin, Ane Thon Knutsen, Imi Maufe, Johan Solberg, Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck, Bent Kvisgaard and Thomas Bullinger, Edward Johansson

Exhibition Catalog :: A fully illustrated catalog of this exhibition may be purchased from San Francisco Center for the Book

Exhibition Sponsors :: Grants For The Arts | San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund | The Kahle Austin Foundation | Billedkunstnere vederlagsfondet | Nordisk Kulturfond | Grafikverkstan Godsmagasinet

Related programs for this exhibition

IMI MAUFE & LINA NORDENSTROM :: POSTED/UNPOSTED++ meet-and-greet / gallery walk through

Thursday, February 7, 2019, 5:30–7:30 pm (Talk @ 6:00pm)

Curators Imi Maufe and Lina Nordenström discuss work on display for POSTED/UNPOSTED++ and examine the rapidly-growing Scandinavian book arts community. This event is part of the Nordic focus organized by Codex Polaris for CODEX 2019; participating artists will be present.



Monday, February 25, 2019, 6–8 pm (Talk @ 6:30 pm)

Creating the conditions for collaboration is a crucial part of group art-making. Megan Adie is constantly pursuing and organizing the kinds of projects which build community. She will discuss her recent projects and artworks including Bibliotek Nordica, Edition/Basel, and the artist book Audibility Audibilidad.


BROOKE HOLVE :: Land & Texture: Exploring Iceland For Content In Artists Books

Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 6–8 pm (Talk @ 6:30 pm)

Book artist and letterpress printer Brooke Holve reports back on Book Iceland, her 2018 residency project. Inspired by the natural energies which shape Iceland’s landscape, participating artists explored materials, tools, and processes, forming the content for their artist book projects.



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