Alisa Nascimento
Studio Coordinator
Alisa Nascimento is a printmaker by study, but an explorer of various media by choice. She has pursued many avenues of art to satisfy her creative itch since she could hold a pencil. Alisa received her BA in printmaking from the University of Dallas, where she was first introduced to bookbinding by a friend. Intrigued, she asked her printmaking professor for a class on bookbinding, to which he responded by handing her a book on how to make books. Many online tutorials and mini journals later, Alisa emerged with the realization that she’d never receive instant gratification as an artist and that was okay.
Her introduction to the world of letterpress printing was beholden to the pandemic of 2020, when her college sent her home and she stumbled upon SFCB’s From the Bench, which led to an internship with letterpress artist Li Jiang in Berkeley. Fascinated with traditional/analog craft, Alisa has since been excited to enter the world of book arts and printing.